My Path to Salvation

My Path to Salvation
The first I remember being confronted with my need to be born again was after a Sunday School assembly when our concerned pastor kept a group of us girls behind to go through the plan of salvation and pray with us. He then told us to walk down the aisle at the invitation after the morning service. That was very scary to me because the aisle was never used at invitation except for what I perceived to be a terrible sinner! 

Is a Lack of Knowledge Destroying Your Health?

Is a Lack of Knowledge Destroying Your Health?
Today, as Christians, we are living in the information age, yet...
" people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge..." Hosea 4:6
It truly breaks my heart to see so many Christians being led like sheep to the slaughter, unknowingly deceived by false information and addicted to foods that are destroying their that was intended for God's purpose. 
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